Thursday, December 31, 2009

Daily Reminder in Chinese

On April 7, 2009 I created a Daily Reminder for myself. Yesterday I translated it into Chinese. I am posting it here to share with people who read Chinese. It is not a perfect translation and I might revise it on a later date.


1. 我感谢(感恩)我所得到的一切.

2. 接受, 认可和同情是我对人的态度. 但不是我对人行为的态度.

3. 这个世界对我没有恶意. 我周围的人是爱我的.

4. 无论在何处, 我都有安全感.

5. 原谅所有人对我的伤害, 不管是他们是无意还是有意的.
不仅要原谅, 而且要忘记.
永远不要再提起这些事件. 装做从来没有发生过.

6. 更重要的是原谅自己过去犯过的错误.
永远不要再提起这些事情. 装做从来没有发生过.

7. 我需要的一切, 都能依靠自己得到.
所有不愉快的事情, 也都起源于自己.
能意识到这点, 心境才会平衡. 就永远不会太痛苦.

8. 我的责任是经常给自己立目标. 然后尽力去达到.
尽到力了, 即使没有完全达到目标, 也没有关系.

9. 活著就有可能受到伤害. 不要因为这原因而不去追求我的理想生活.

10. 过去的已经过去, 将来还在想像中.
不要多想过去, 也不要多担心将来.
把注意力集中到 “现在” 和 “今天”.

The English version is as follows:

1. I am grateful for all the blessings the supreme bestows upon me. I am glad to be here now.

2. I am a giving person. I give affection, love, approval, acceptance and understanding to others.

3. The world is safe and full of love. I am loved by all those that are close to me, expressed in many different ways.

4. I am relaxed and feel safe. No person, place or thing can hurt me.

5. I am eliminating the need to forgive.

Forgiveness is like surgery. It cuts out, eradicates, cancels and makes the wrong as if it had never been there. There must be condemnation before forgiveness is necessary. I do not condemn others, therefore, it is not necessary for me to forgive.

6. I have no remorse, or regrets over my own past mistakes. The past is simply written off, closed and forgotten.

7. I am in need of nothing but the awareness that all I need is within me.

8. My responsibility is to set up goals for myself. How I reach them is not my responsibility. It is the responsibility of my built-in inner success mechanism.

9. I am not afraid to “turn the other cheek”, remain vulnerable and go on living creatively.

10. I remain focused on the now. Look lovingly upon the present for it holds the only thing that is forever true. The past is gone and future is but imagined.

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