Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interesting Articles recently

1. Herbal extract from Rhodiola rosea boosts fruit fly lifespan by nearly 25% and it promotes longevity separately from dietary restriction. (here)
2. Testosterone improves verbal learning and memory in postmenopausal woman. The test was done using LibiGel, BioSante Pharmaceuticals or a placebo applied to the upper arm for 26 weeks. (here
3.  Osteoporosis drug stops growth of breast cancer cells, even in resistant tumors. (here)
4. Blocking overactive receptor in Alzheimer’s recovers memory loss and more. (here)
5.  Artificial Sweetener "mannitol" a Potential Treatment for Parkinson's Disease. (here)
6. Ten breakthrough technologies of 2013 according to MIT Technology review. (here)