Sunday, November 15, 2009

On Midlife Crisis

I think that almost everybody goes through midlife crisis, but academics disagree. They believe that only 10% of the population who go through age-related midlife crisis. Of course, it all depends how you define midlife crisis. To me, midlife crisis is a period of dramatic self-questioning, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and realization of the imminence of old age and mortality.

I do not think that one has to go through the symptoms of the followings as described by Wikipedia to be considered having midlife crisis:

Abuse of alcohol
Conspicuous consumption
Blaming themselves or their spouses for their failures
Paying special attention to physical appearance
Entering relationship with younger people

I believe that the above symptoms are the results of failing in dealing with midlife crisis.

Again, I believe that majority of people go through midlife crisis. Those who are successful at it will become wise. They attain wisdom after a period of dramatic self-questioning. Those who fail experience the above symptoms.

I started my serious self-questioning about two years ago. Now, I am very close to getting over the midlife crisis and have not had any of the above symptoms. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Where can one apply for a mid life crisis like the one we see you having?
