Sunday, September 27, 2009

I am a voyeur

St Lawrence River
I feel like a voyeur, flipping through faces that sharing some common interests to me. We are all voyeurs, hiding behind a computer screen, killing time. So far I am only belonging to the group of bloggers. There are millions of profiles that you can flip through, take a peak look and go away. There are others that you linger longer and read their stories. Then, there are those few that you say you want to follow. So far I am only following a few popular ones and nobody has chosen to follow me yet.

Interesting numbers I find under Blogger profile:

Industry: Arts 13,400,000

I have just chosen Arts as my industry. Is it really? No, but there was no category of Design that one can choose from. So Arts is as close as it goes. I was kind of surprised to find 13 million profiles on Blogger.

Occupation: Idler 119

What a disappointment, I dropped from belonging to a group of 13 million people to just over 100. I sell beaded jewelry that I make myself for the meager part of my living. I have a rich part of my living that does not come from selling artisan jewelry. The part I am selling is DESIGN. I, because I live in North American, can never compete in price with craftspeople in Asia. But my design is unique and outstanding (standing out in a crowd). Without any idling, I would never have come out with any new designs. Since I have way more idling time than the time spent in making new designs. I call my self Idler.

Location: Montreal 88,500, Canada: 15,300,000

Quite a shock to find out that Canada has 15 million bloggers and the total population is only 33 millions. It must be a mistake somewhere. I cannot believe that half of this country's population belongs to the Google’s blospot and most people we know do not blog. Maybe they are closet bloggers.


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